Find it hard to type KHMER?

For those who type Khmer, Kakvei helps you type correctly, faster and easier. We provide a tool to convert your Khmer transliteration into Khmer words and to check your Khmer documents and articles for unexpected spelling mistakes.

Kakvei features includes Khmer spellcheck and converting romanized Khmer to Khmer script

Kakvei Main Features

Transliteration Conversion

A more effective way to type Khmer script by transliterating the Romanized version of Khmer, i.e., kakvei -> កវី in real-time. We provide Khmer word suggestions based on your Khmer romanization to help you type smoothly and effectively.

Kakvei Khmer Transliteration demo

Spell Check

A more effective way to identify errors in your Khmer documents. Our algorithm points out potential mistakes and typos. Kakvei also allows you to know total word counts and personalize your word dictionary so names you type aren’t highlighted as mistakes.

Kakvie Khmer language spell check demo

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Beta Testing 1

Our beta testing 1 was conducted from the beginning of October to the end of November 2022. During our testing period, we were able to gather a lot of constructive feedbacks from our users and supporters from different organization. Since then, we have been working on improving our features so that we can provide value and help our users further.

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